The last few months of 2016 were a blur of new and good things for me - many major life changes all rolled up together, all at once, all in a firestorm tornado of glitter rainbows craziness.
Rock - We got engaged in September! We are getting married soon. Very soon!
Paper - We bought a house! Lots and lots and lots of paperwork with that whole process. Get used to seeing this badboy on the blog. There is so much to do, including and especially new siding and decking in the Spring. We love our new home - not just the structure (which is super cool), but in what it represents for a shared new space for us and our children to forge our new family.
Scissors - I cut ties with the old and got a new job [and a new commute]! It's a completely different position at a new place doing completely new things. And while unfortunately, I am beholden to a train schedule again, I love my new job so much that it actually makes the commute worth it.
Shoot! or, Blog! With all of these changes (especially the new house), I have lots to share. I am hoping to blog a bit more in 2017 (which is to say, I am hoping to blog in 2017) and share the good things with you.