
10 November 2014

Training Recap: 11/3/14-11/9/14

Hello! Happy Monday.  Happy crazy November holy moly cow I'm supposed to have two trials in the next few weeks and a bunch of competing deadlines and Christmas is coming and so is Thanksgiving and my high school reunion.   Happy ... ZOMG.  Here's how I feel about it all.

Despite my busy work schedule, I'm still getting my runs in.  The Philly marathon is just two weeks (!!) from yesterday.  Heather is ready.  Next Sunday is a taper run and then it's go time.  Excitement!

Here's a recap of what I did last week:

11/3/14-11/9/14:  4:55:24 hours

Swam: 22:27 minutes (1,000 yards)
Ran:  4:33 hours (26.5 miles)

Monday:  easy 3 mile run
Tuesday:  easy 3 mile run
Wednesday:  speedwork at track
Thursday:  rest day
Friday: rest day (unintended)
Saturday: swim
Sunday: 16 mile long run with Heather

Ahhh ... maintenance mode.  I'm enjoying these few weeks where I just run and do what I want.  Once November is over, I'll start up with my coach again.  But for now, this works for me.  What also works for me? Running in Autumn.  It is *the best* time of year to run.  Here are a couple of pix that a friend snapped of me on a relatively recent run.  The leaves ... the crisp air ... runner's perfection.

Anyway - onto last week.

Monday and Tuesday were easy 3 milers, but Tuesday's run was a good 2 minutes faster than Monday's.  Because I knew that I'm not accountable to my coach (who would not be happy with the following), I decided to mix up the daily routine of a training run and make my 3 mile run an imaginary race. While the kids were at CCD, I went to a local park with a 1 mile loop.  I decided to pass everyone I encountered and not be passed by anyone.  I accomplished these things and was the winner of the race!  

Winners look like this:

And here is my watch.  Clearly 7:54/mile is not my normal endurance pace.  

Wednesday was speedwork at the track.  I did a pretty easy workout with 10 minutes endurance + 3 x 7:30/7:45 for 1/2 mile with endurance 1/2 mile + 5 minutes endurance.  

Thursday was a scheduled rest day (and a horrible, cold, raw, rainy day, so yay) and Friday was supposed to be a run but I made it into a rest day because I had too much going on.

Saturday was a fun, easy 1,000 yard swim.  Not much to say about this.

Sunday, I met Heather at the trail and we banged out a 16 mile run.  That's her (and my) last long run before the race!  She's ready.  And so am I.  I am super excited for race day.  I've decided to leave the music at home and soak in the sounds around me.  

See you swoon,

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