
24 September 2014

Tackling the Storage Spaces {post 2 of 2}: the front outdoor closet & downstairs patio closet

I am a woman on fire with organizing!  It all started the day I got home from Lake Placid ... I took one look at my fridge and decided then and there that it needed a deep clean.  Out everything came and I cleaned all of the shelves and bins.  That small project made me feel like I was regaining control of my life and settling back to normal ... or as normal as I can be anyway.   So I've been peppering in some organizing and smaller projects (that have huge impacts) with the larger work I'm doing at my house.

Up today, on the heels of the organization of my huge basement storage room, are the two other storage closets that I have: (1) the front outdoor closet and (2) the downstairs patio closet.  These took no time at all.

Front Storage Closet

The front storage closet was probably the easiest space of all three.  Here's the before:

Not terrible. Just not terribly functional.  I took everything out and analyzed the space.  I knew I needed to keep my trash can and recycle bins in there, my snow shovel and ice melter, bike helmets, and kids' scooters.  I also wanted to add a broom so I could sweep my front porch.  All I did was clean out the space (it needed a good sweeping) and put back the trash and recycle stuff.  I used another Ikea cheap trashcan to hold the ice melter bag.  I brought in a plastic bin for the helmets and stacked the kids' scooters on the top shelf.  And I bought some hooks for the snow shovel and broom.  Boom. Done.

Downstairs Patio Closet

This closet was just a mess.  Unlike the other two storage spaces, I didn't use it that often, but I knew it was there and I knew it was in disarray and it made me crazy.  

Just as with the other storage spaces, I pulled everything out and swept the floor clean.

Then I looked at what I needed to put back in.  I put the bucket of deck cleaner on the bricks that were stacked in the back.  I brought in the little curb alert table that had previously lived on my upstairs deck and used that to store my gardening tools and gloves. I want to get one of those cute gardening caddies to hold them at some point.  Under the table, I have a galvanized bin that has the pruning shears and my big dustpan.  I brought in the kids' outdoor toys and sleds and hung Little's hula hoop on the existing nails on the one wall.  And I used those extra inexpensive hooks from the Target Dollar Spot from a few years ago (that I blogged about in my storage room project) to hang my shovel and broom.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.  I cannot tell you how much better I feel with these three spaces organized and neat and tidy!  It took a weekend to do, but it was well worth it.  Now I can turn to my other home projects!  Up next:  finishing up my stairwell and a bunch of little projects that I've been meaning to get to.

See you swoon,

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