
28 May 2014

IMLP Training Recap: Week 27

Well.  Wow.  13 hours of training last week.  I remember last year a colleague of mine was training for an Ironman and she said May and June were the peak of training.  I can absolutely see that.  Despite the fact that I had a rest day, week 27 week was hard: long run, long bike, really hard swim.  I'm taking everything day by day, workout by workout, but the miles and hours are definitely starting to accumulate.  Despite the effort, I am feeling good and happy and strong.  This picture of me at the half-way point of my 90 mile ride this Saturday captures how I'm feeling.  Also: I am happy because I have food in my hand.  I was transferring my second half food from my jersey to my bike's fuel box.

Plus, when you have a ride that involves these views ... life ain't so bad.  Even if that life involves 90 miles of biking in one day.

Here we go with week 27:

Week 27: 13:17:57 hours

Swam: 1:47:19 hours (4,591 yards)
Biked:  8:06:53 hours (90.1 miles outside; remainder on trainer)
Ran:  3:19:27 hours (21 miles)


Monday: Rest day! Rest day!
Tuesday: Bike with Tempo & Shake Out Run
Wednesday:  Long Run (15 miles)
Thursday:  Hard Swim
Friday:  Easy Brick
Saturday:  90 mile bike
Sunday:  Open Water Swim

Ah Monday.  I enjoyed the rest day after a back-to-back long 80 mile ride and then a sprint triathlon.

Tuesday was a hard bike: 10 minute endurance and 40 at tempo.  Tempo isn't *that* bad but it's an increase in effort.  I had a 3 mile shake out run, too, which I did in the afternoon.

Wednesday was a long run - 15 miles - which I did with Amy. I was really glad we could coordinate schedules and run together.  I really enjoyed this run, but I felt so wiped out after.

Funny thing: I took off my Fuel Belt after this run and as it was sitting on my counter, I realized it's Ironman brand.  I have worn this belt for 12 years now and it only just now occurred to me what that meant!

Dorky or not, you will have to pry this Fuel Belt from my kung fu grip.
Thursday was a hard swim - 2700 yards, which isn't that bad, but the main set was 4x400 yards at "hard" effort.  I think swimming "hard" is much harder than biking or running hard.  But I got it done.

Friday was an easy brick: 50 minutes on the bike and 30 minute run - all endurance pace.  It felt pretty good.

Saturday was a long ride: 90 miles.  I did it up in the Poconos and it took me through three states: PA, NY and NJ.  Three states!   The views above are from that ride. Here I am about 20 miles in, just over the PA/NY border.  I had just jammed some food in my mouth, so I'm rocking a sort of chipmunk cheek look.

The topography of the ride was so similar to Lake Placid - it was some climbs in the beginning, then lots of descending (including one really steep descent where an idiot little dog ran into the street and who I promptly cursed out), then a bunch of flats, then a steady climb back.  The ride was gorgeous and included this gem in Hawk's Nest, right outside of Port Jervis, New York.

It was that beautiful and it was that fun.   When I first saw that road in front of me, I gasped in a good way.  Were I not training for this race, I would have never seen this gorgeous sight.  It was one of those "I am so lucky to be able to do this" moments.  

Sunday was an open water swim - 1.2 miles in a stunning lake.  A friend of mine supported me via kayak.

And here I am at the end of the swim: all smiles after a great swim.  Also, swim cap and goggles are the great equalizer.  We all look hot in swim cap and goggles.

This week it's getting even more real, ya'll: 16 mile run, 3000 yard swim, long bike followed by a very challenging sprint race on Sunday.  But because IMLP is officially less than 2 months away, I'll keep plugging away.

See you swoon,

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