
19 May 2014

IMLP Training Recap: Week 26

Hello! I hope everyone had a great weekend.  IMLP is officially less than 10 weeks away.  That is really close.  I am still not ready for the race, so I'm trying to be thankful for all of these hard training weeks still ahead.  Amy and I joke that IMLP is our "Ironbaby" ... we have been training about as long as you'd be pregnant with a baby, and at this point, we are in the third trimester.  I have a feeling at the very end, I will feel much like I did with my first pregnancy: a little nervous but d-o-n-e and just ready to get the show on the road.  I'm not quite at that point yet.

Readers of the blog probably wonder where the heck my house-related posts are.  They're not happening.  Honestly, I'm stretched thin these days between kids and spending as much time with them as I can, training and work.  I am doing just what needs to be done around the house.  I've even broken down and hired a cleaning person because I couldn't find the time (and frankly wasn't making the time) to keep my house clean.  I am hoping to tackle three house projects around Memorial Day weekend and in early June: (1) paint the playroom furniture; (2) hang the frames in my stairwell and (3) hang a few things on the wall in the dining room.

I hope those of you who come here for house posts will forgive me for these last 10 weeks!  It's all IM all the time around these parts.

Week 26: 12:04:37 hours (wow)

Swam: 1:36:24 hours (4,434 yards)
Biked:  7:53:38 hours (91.3 miles outside; remainder on trainer)
Ran:  2:32:16 hours (17.1 miles)


Monday:  easy endurance bike
Tuesday:  bike with tempo + shake out run
Wednesday: open water swim
Thursday: long run (11 miles)
Friday:  easy recovery swim
Saturday:  80 mile bike
Sunday: RACE! Sprint Triathlon (350 meter swim; 11.2 mile bike; 5k run)

So we've gone from Winter to Summer!  It was hot this week.  Gah.

Monday - not much to say about this workout.  It was an easy 50 minutes on the trainer at endurance pace.

Tuesday - I had a pretty short bike but with some tempo work and then a 3 mile shake out run.  I wore my new favorite running top on the run: the Lululemon Tone It Tank.  I saw some really good reviews of this tank and decided to give it a try.  Ummmmm, it's great.  It would absolutely not work for someone with a larger chest, but for me it works great and is super supportive, comfortable and flattering.  I am going to order it in a different color, because this will be my go to top for hot weather running.

Wednesday hooray.  Open water swim!  A local multisport coaching group offers open water swims at a local state park in the Spring and Summer.  I was thrilled to get back to it.  They set up a 1/4 mile course around some buoys and offer lifeguards on kayaks in the water.  I credit going to these swims  last year on a regular basis with getting over my panic in the open water.   I did 1.5 miles, or 6 laps of the buoys, that afternoon.  The swim felt great. I could have easily kept on swimming.  And they offer cookies and other assorted treats! Cookies!

Thursday was a long run - 11 miles with the now very familiar 9 minutes run/1 minute walk repeat. Even with the walking and a bunch of hills, my pace was still good, and better than that, I felt like I could have run all day long.  The conditions were pretty perfect for running too: cool, cloudy, misty.  I also appreciate that I burned exactly 1,000 calories.  Prepare yourself for the extreme hotness that is my fuel belt.

Friday I had an easy recovery swim and it was really short. I suppose that was by design after my long run and before my long bike and sprint tri.  It took less than an hour and was just 1700 yards.  I felt like I was getting away with something.

Saturday: 80 miles on the bike.  The kids went with their dad so that I could bike and it took me about 5 hours and 45 minutes.  It would have been shorter, but for a lot of traffic lights.  I found an 80 mile ride on Map My Ride and it looked simple enough.  I made a cue sheet on an index card and taped it to my bike stem.  Let me just say: if you choose roads that end in a "Pike", expect a lot of traffic.  I dealt with traffic and dicey road conditions for the first 10 miles of the ride.  10 miles in, I realized I was at the 202  Trail.  My friend Robyn has talked about running on this, so I took a detour.  Right before I turned onto the trail, some jerkwad in a black Mercedes wagon got so close to me I could touch his car ... just as I was riding over a big patch of gravel.  But for the grace of God, I managed to stay on my bike and not fall over.  I gave him the one finger salute and yelled out a handful of very choice words.  Honestly, that was terrifying.  I rode the trail and realized it was 15 miles, though with a bunch of lights unfortunately.  Still ... no traffic, no cars, no dogs and perfect, pristine road surface.  After I did the trail, I headed back on my intended route, only to dead end at a very busy intersection.  I had no interest in riding on that road.  So I went back to the trail and rode it a few more times to get to 65 miles, and then headed back to my start point.  I had to to another little detour around Upper Dublin Township.  I was stopped at a light and rather than get in the shoulder, I was in the lane of traffic, which I thought was much safer.  Some jerkwad in a green Jeep Liberty got really close to me.  I turned around and yelled, "How about a little room here, pal?" and he said something asinine and then I just gave him the stare of death.  I managed to make it back to the start of my ride with 80.1 miles in the bank and 0.0 injuries.  It was a great ride, despite the motorist drama.  I think/hope that most of my remaining long bike rides will be with Amy and/or Amy & Bill.

Sunday was my sprint tri.  I'll do a full race recap later this week, but I am pleased.  I had a 2 minute PR, which I was happy about.  Honestly, after the 80 miles of biking the day before, my legs were kind of like this when I hopped on my bike at the race:

Despite the fatigue, I managed a faster bike than last year and a faster run than last year (and I completely blew my old transition times out of the water).  I snagged a 4th place in my age group, which is good enough for me.

Dudes - Memorial Day weekend is this coming weekend.  Amy, Bill and I are heading up to Amy and Bill's lake house for some Memorial Day fun and some swim-bike-running and a big fat 90 mile bike ride.  What else? 

Have a great week! 

See you swoon,

1 comment:

  1. Be careful out there! Drivers are crazier the closer you are to the city I think.
