
14 April 2014

IMLP Training Recap: Week 21

21 weeks in and things are OK.  Not great, not awful.  I'm just feeling a little ... I'm not sure what the right word is.  Uninspired? Tired? Simultaneously over and underwhelmed?  I'm looking forward to heading up to Lake Placid this week with Amy and Bill and all the kids.  The weather is looking very unpredictable, but I'll be glad to see the race site and bike and run those courses.  No way no how am I setting so much as one toe in Mirror Lake right now!  

In any event, here's hoping the week away gives me a little shot in the arm.

Week 21:  10:19:56 hours

Swam: 1:41 hours (4,950 yards)
Biked:  5:06 hours (all on trainer - watch says 73.7 miles)
Ran:  3:32 hours (23.7 miles)


Monday and Thursday were both swims.  Same swims that I've been doing for awhile - Monday was a bunch of 500s with some speed work.  Thursday was 4x600 as the main set.

Tuesday was an easy 50 minute endurance bike.  Gotta love that.

Wednesday was my favorite day: a 1:45 run.  Yes, one hour and forty five minutes on a Wednesday workday.  I started running around 6:20.  It was a beautiful day outside - sunny and cool.  I hit a nice easy pace and just enjoyed.

Friday was a tough bike with some tough intervals.  I tried to take a pic after - this picture does not remotely convey just how sweaty I was.

I also had a 3 mile "shake out" run on Friday, which I did after work (and about 12 hours after my bike).  It was supposed to be endurance pace but I ran it at an average speed of 8:08/mile. That ... is not endurance pace.  I had a tough day and when that happens, I take it out on the run.  It felt good at the time, but I need to be careful not to do that.

Saturday I had a 50 minute endurance bike and a 50 minute endurance run.  Both were fine.  I did the run at home in NJ, which was great.

Sunday.  Aie.  Sunday I had a pretty easy run: run 9 minutes at endurance pace; walk 1 minute and repeat a total of three times.  Then I had a 2 hour and 20 minute bike, which unfortunately I had to do in the evening.  I got it done, but man.  I was done. D-O-N-E done.

Stay tuned for next week's Placid recap.  I can handle wind, rain, and cold.  Just please.  For the love of God: no snow.

See you swoon,

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