
24 March 2014

IMLP Training Recap: Week 18

This week my workouts had something in common with that iconic 1980s sitcom "The Facts of Life"

God I loved this show.

Specifically the theme song:
you take the good, you take the bad
you take them both and there you have 
the facts of life, the facts of life.  

there's a time you've got to go 
and show you're growin' now you know about 
 the facts of life, the facts of life

Just like the song, I took the good (Wednesday-Saturday-Sunday) and I took the bad (Thursday-boo).  That's to be expected though.  And it's so funny how one good run (like I had on Saturday) can instantly make up for all of the prior bad runs.  This week was a milestone week because I hit 5000 yards of swimming!  Things are ok.  Just humming along.  I feel a bit like a hamster on a wheel at this point.  But I have a half marathon on Sunday (for which I feel very unprepared) and Spring is (finally) in the air!

Week 18:

Swam: 1:46 hours (5,050 yards)
Biked:  3:36 hours (all on trainer - watch says 52.10 miles)
Ran:  2:43 hours (18.19 miles)


Monday - swim
Tuesday - bike with LT & shake out run
Wednesday - long swim
Thursday - long run with tempo
Friday - easy brick
Saturday - easy run
Sunday - long bike with tempo

Monday - I woke up absolutely, positively exhausted.  I was fully prepared to go to the pool for a 5:30 am swim but I simply did not feel well.  I listened to my body and went back up to bed, where I slept another couple of hours.  It was a wise decision.  I did the swim after work instead and it was a good one.  

Tuesday was a bike with some hard fast intervals and then a 2 mile "shake out" run after.  This was pretty good - nothing crazy.  

Wednesday I had another long swim with those 500 intervals. I actually like them!  I felt like I was in the pool forever.  Because I was.

Thursday.  UGH.  OK.  Thursday's run was just not good and it was my own fault.  It was one I've done before: 30 minutes endurance pace, 30 minutes tempo pace, 15 minutes endurance pace.  It was just over 8 miles.  I ate my normal long run breakfast: oatmeal with brown sugar.  Only ... I ate it at 5:30 am and started my run at 7:30.  By the time I started my run, I was hungry.  I am not sure what I was thinking.  I can push through a 3 miler hungry.  But an 8 miler?  No.  It was just a rough ride and I was glad it was done.  I could not hit some of my faster paces, which of course demoralized me, which of course made the run even worse.  

Friday was an easy brick.  I like the easy bricks.  40 minutes endurance pace on bike; 20 minutes endurance pace on run.  Here I am after giving my (fake, horizontal smile) thumbs up:

Saturday's run was really so good.  So good!  I was visiting my parents with the kids so I could run in my hometown.  It was a 50 minute run at endurance pace, though I felt so good (and it was like 62 degrees out) that I ran 8:40 pace and it felt effortless.  My head was in it, I had properly fueled and it was just one of those magical runs where literally everything is in sync.  By the end of that run I was like Thursday what? Bad run what?  

Sunday was a looooong 2 hour ride on the trainer with a mix of tempo and endurance paces.  It was a pretty good workout and I felt good during and after.  I wore my new tri shorts by Coeur sports (full review coming soon) and I loved them.  Here I am after.  My iPhone is taking pretty bad pictures lately.  

And then after it was all done, I celebrated in the proper way by making some amazing steak, over easy eggs and asparagus in lemon oil.  

Have a great week!  

See you swoon,

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