
24 February 2014

IMLP Training Recap: Week 14

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope you had a good weekend.

So, week 14.  This week was a definite light week in terms of training: when I saw my schedule I thought surely my coach had made a mistake.  No two-a-days, no bricks, mostly endurance pace, a 15 minute run??? No LT or tempo paces on the bike???  And I repeat: a 15 minute run??? If I'm being honest, the Type A in me was concerned that the week wasn't challenging enough, however, the normal person in me shut up the Type A and I wasn't about to complain because I had definitely been feeling a little tired the week before.  And I know that once Spring gets here, training will get really intense.  So I gathered my rosebuds whilst I may.

Week 14:

Swam: 1:36 hours (4,425 yards)
Biked:  1:53 hours (all on trainer)
Ran:  2:10 hours (14.95 miles)


Monday - swim
Tuesday - bike time trial (was not bad at all)
Wednesday - 75 minute endurance run
Thursday - swim
Friday - 10 minute walk + 15 minute endurance run <-- not a typo. 15 minutes.  really.
Saturday - RACE - Frostbite Five Miler 
Sunday - 70 minute endurance bike

It was really good to get back in the pool this week.  It was even better to have good strong swims again after my sluggish swim the week before.  The Thursday swim is my favorite one: 400 yards easy, 100 yards fast, 200 easy and then 5x300 yards.  It's enough variety that it keeps me happily swimming along and challenged.  Monday's swim was fine too, but it has a bunch of 400 yard intervals, which I do not like.  I'm not sure why, either.  The 300s are fine.  The 400s make me mad.  Here I am after my Thursday swim.  Note the lovely goggle hickeys around my eyes. And that's my favorite training suit I'm wearing.

The 3 minute time trial on the bike was because we got our power meters and our coach needs the time trial data to set our power threshold.  The 3 minute trial was not bad at all. I have a 20 minute time trial this week.  Eeek.

My Wednesday long endurance run was once again on the treadmill because of bad weather: this time freezing rain.  This run was fine.  I got into my music a little too much and when Whitney Houston's "One Moment In Time"* came on, I started to cry, as I imagined myself at Lake Placid finishing Ironman.  [*I know ... the fact that this song is on my playlist and that I fess up to it for the entire internet to see is likely a bigger problem than crying on the treadmill]

The rest of the week was geared toward my five mile race on Saturday.  My 15 minute endurance run on Friday was easy and short and felt good.  And Saturday's race was terrific.  I nabbed a PR (though it was a hard effort).  I'll recap the race on Wednesday ... but here is a picture of me after the race.  

Sunday was an easy bike ride - endurance pace for 70 minutes.

This week is more aggressive and that's fine with me.  I'm ready to go.  I have two swims, a bunch of endurance runs, and some longer bikes.

See you swoon,

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