
27 November 2013

What I Wore {post 27}

My "What I Wore" posts will feature a lot of flats.  It breaks my heel-loving heart to say this, but this Fall I've been struggling with some tightness in my knee and hamstring.  No pain, and the tightness goes away when I am actually running.  But I would feel it when I wasn't running.  I tried pretending it wasn't a problem, but then started to worry.  So I went to an orthopaedic doctor and braced myself for bad news.  I was thrilled when he said it was just tendonitis and suggested I see a physical therapist to help.  In the meantime, Amy, Bill and I hired a coach for our Ironman training, and part of his deal is to ask his athletes to see his preferred PT to get an assessment, so he knows what he is starting with.  That is part of why we hired him: his injury-prevention focus.  So I saw the PT and she has been amazing, helping me work out the hamstring tightness and helping me strengthen my weak spots.  The only negative: she suggested I not wear heels every day.  And I wept.

It is an easy fix and, as much as I hate to admit it, it has made a difference.  The heels definitely put a lot of strain on my knees.  But oh my closet.  Oh my outfits!  And oh ... the teasing I endure now that people at work realize how short my 5'1" self actually is (I have been walking around in 3-4 inch heels every day for years!).  I had to buy a bunch of new pants because all of my pants are hemmed to be worn with heels.  Sigh.  So, this is a very long way of me telling you that you will see a lot more outfits with flats.  I'll still wear heels from time to time, but sadly not every day.  On with the outfits!

* Magenta Dress & Brown Riding Boots *

This dress was a steal from the Gap earlier this year.  I know it was under $20.  I love the shape and love that I can wear it with any number of shoes.  I wore my dark brown tights and brown flat riding boots with it.  Fun fun.  

* Bootcut jeans, Black top, Magenta scarf *

This was a quick photo I snapped on my way out the door to go shopping with Jamie.  Sorry that you cannot see the whole outfit.  I wore my black flats with my bootcut jeans and a simple black v-neck long sleeved tee.  The outfit needed something more, so I grabbed my magenta scarf (from Target).  I carried my fun little Burberry purse (that I bought pre-kids) and wore oversized sunglasses.  

* Tweed Skirt & Silk Blouse *

Happy day! Happy day!  I had been on the hunt for a pretty tweed skirt for months!  I bought about four of them and none worked: one was too big, one was too bulky, one was too short and finally, I found this multi-colored one at Banana Republic and it fit perfectly!  I wore it with a cream silk Vince blouse from Nordstrom that was a deal I could not pass up.  The blouse is pretty long, so I can't wait to wear it again with some skinny jeans.  I wore my black flats with this outfit because I had to, but it would look much better with my patent heels.  

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

See you swoon,


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