
08 February 2013

A recessed light update

I have been slowly, very, very slowly making updates to my kitchen.  You see,  I really want a new backsplash, counter, sink, floors.......see how this is spiraling out of control?  A kitchen is almost like a can of worms, it doesn't seem as though you can just do one thing at a time.  Once the backsplash goes you may as well do the counter with it and once the counter goes I may as well get the new sink I have been pining for.  See what I mean!?  Until I am ready to take the kitchen plunge I have been looking for small ways to keep my desire of ripping the room apart at bay.

First let me give credit to this genius, why didn't I think of this!  A hanging drum pendant that screws into your recessed lighting!!  No electrician or messing with the wires needed.

Here we have the typical recessed lighting:

Check this out,  this has a light bulb looking thing inside the recessed lighting that just screws in like a regular light bulb.  There is extra wire in the ceiling so you can adjust the light to the perfect height for your space.

I got this little drum pendant at Lowe's for about $20.00.  Not bad for a kitchen update :)

Anyone out there in the middle of a kitchen renovation?  I want to hear all about it, please send me all the nitty, gritty details and any advice you may have! 

See you swoon,

1 comment:

  1. The light looks great! Your place is coming along really well.

    We're doing a whole house makeover right now (our first house!), feel free to come over if you want some renovation commiseration!

