
11 January 2013

Itty bitty update: bathroom hardware

Happy Friday!

I am so super, duper excited for this weekend.  Why?  Oh ... tomorrow my mom and sister and I are going to see Les Miserables and then out to dinner after.  I have seen this musical so many times, but it never gets old.  Ever.  And on Sunday, Jamie and I are heading to Lancaster and the outlets!  Pottery Barn here we come!  Have I mentioned how much we love that outlet? Oh maybe once or twice or a million times here and here and here and here and here and here and here and, oh for the love of God, here [wow - we like it there].  I desperately need some rugs and am hoping to find a bunch of deals.  Squeeeeeee.

Anyway, today's post is about a tiny upgrade I made in my master bathroom.  The hardware on the bathroom vanity was driving me crazy.  See?

The scrolly leaf print was just not doing it for me.  So I looked through my box of hardware and found I had a bunch of options already on hand.  I replaced the leafy stuff with simpler, more modern pulls and knobs.  And here they are!

A small change with a big impact.  Happy happy weekend!  Please wish us good luck and great deals as we go for broke (hopefully not literally) at the outlets! 

See you swoon,

1 comment:

  1. Any idea who makes this vanity? I have the same one and am looking for replacement parts! Thanks
