
07 September 2011

Since we are on a painting kick...

While Hurricane Irene reared her ugly head, all we could do was sit around and wait for her to pass so I armed myself with plenty of projects to keep me busy and to help ward off any cabin fever that may have begun to set in.  I get very stir crazy when I know I am not supposed to leave the house (when I can leave and choose not to, well that is a different story).

My victory that weekend was FINALLY painting the spare bedroom!  You may remember this room but just in case let me give you a quick recap of how it looked before:

This is how it looked for the past 8 months or so because I was so undecided on a color:

And now, TA-DA!!!!

Shanna introduced me to this color (no surprise here since she is queen of the color wheel), Ancient Marble by Sherwin Williams, fuzzy love to you SW!  The pictures are hard to get a real feel for the color but it is a very light green with a grey undertone that meshes so well with my rice grain hallway.  I have no more to say, I am very pleased with this.  

Happy hump day to everyone, I am headed back down to the basement to shop vac (thank you remnants of Hurricane Lee), booo!  As a side note, if anyone knows any fabulous basement remedies to keep water from shooting out of your walls, I am all ears.

See you swoon, 

1 comment:

  1. It looks great! Though, in the middle stages it kind of looked like a maniac with multiple personalities had gone at it. :)
