
18 July 2011

My soon to be a-door-able desk!

Sorry, but I couldn't resist the pun.

I've mentioned once or twice that for the "library" in the front of the house (aka: living room/office), I want to create a desk out of an interior slab door.  I  have the door on hand:  I already removed the door (it was the door between the kitchen and laundry room that made me nuts), so I have that all ready to go.  My original plan was to buy some square Parson-style legs at Home Depot or Lowe's, attach them to the door-desktop and call it a day.

That is until I saw the most recent Martha Stewart Living magazine.  Looky what I am going to do!

It's a desk made from an interior door, but she used inexpensive bookshelves as the legs and support!  How brilliant is that?  I know I can get bookshelves at Target for about $20 a pop and will just paint them the same color as the desk.  I love this idea and cannot wait to try it out myself - a desk for only $40? Storage and pretty together?  Love!  You know I'll blog about every single detail of the project.  Stay tuned!

Do you have any similar crafty solutions like the amazing Ms. Martha?  Please share! 

See you swoon,


  1. Great idea! I want something similar for our office, but to use nice filing cabinets for supports.
