
09 June 2011

Product Feature: Water Bobble

I love this product so much!  I will be the first to tell you I do not drink nearly enough water but the Water Bobble is a fantastic solution to keeping our landfills from completely over flowing with plastic, not only that (you can read this on their website too) but each year nearly 1.5 million barrels of oil are used to make plastic water bottles, insane!  So the Water Bobble saves the environment, your money, and you get filtered water to boot, no brainer!

I am not going to turn into an insane environmental activist today but I am thrilled with whoever came up with this idea and wanted to share it with all of you. 

I found Target carries Water Bobble for $9.99, not bad when you think of how much you have spent over the years on bottled water!  The filters also come in fun colors that you can mix and match.  I am guessing this adds a little more fun to having to buy replacement filters and actually drinking water.  The  replacements which cost about $6.99 I found at Target as well.

Has anyone tried this product?  Are you a fan or not?  Any products you use to help protect our planet? Let's be eco-friendly today :)

See you swoon,

1 comment:

  1. Love the dresses! I especially like the tiny stars dress with the pockets. Great finds!
