
21 June 2011

The hunt for the runner is over

I have been on the hunt for a new runner to go in the front entry way since the day we moved in.  We had a runner that my husband used at his parent's house and it definitely worked for the time being but the colors were all wrong for the light airy feeling we now have going on in our house and especially the hallway thanks to our beautiful new french door!

Here is the hallway with the runner we currently own:

On the one hand it does protect our floor especially since this is a high traffic area, on the other hand though, you MUST see these floors!  I had searched for the perfect runner to go in this area for so long but after staring down this hallway obsessively (really, it cannot be healthy how often I stare at it with my jaw dropped).  Maybe a small 2x3 for the front of the door with the pop of color I was looking for will be just what we've needed here all along!

As a side note, the door is not done yet, some serious trim work is in order.  I will post updates as progress is made on this.

What would you do?  Runner or no runner? I have a couple more ideas to finish off this space and make it feel less stark, those projects will be coming soon!!

See you swoon,


  1. The door looks great! I am a fan of a rug in front of the door vs. a runner, especially when you have gorgeous hardwood floors. I have a really cute sisal type rug from Ikea that was maybe like $10 in front of my door and I love it. Maybe try something inexpensive like that and live with it for a while to see if you like it. You could always go back to the runner, but won't have to make a big investment right now (runners can be pricey, no?).

  2. I agree with Heather! Ditch the runner, which will only get filthy and buy a natural fibre rug for the inside of the door - sisal would be great or even a very tight jute. A runner would be better used upstairs where your bedrooms are. :) Also, the mirror i have from the new house will be perfect over your bench!

  3. I think I am going to have to agree with you both. The floors are just too beautiful to cover up! Runners are pretty pricey which is part of the reason I have yet to actually buy one! Thanks for your input ladies :)
