
25 May 2011

Announcing ... Wear It Again!

And by "it" we mean your wedding gowns.  Oh yes ... gird your loins, friends, this is going to be BIG.

Jamie and I are sooooo excited to announce a milestone event we are planning: the Wear It Again gala! Look, even our cameo logos are all gussied up!

We have often said how much fun it would be to get to wear our wedding gowns again.  You spend all that time and money finding the *perfect* gown and only get to wear it for a day? That does not seem fair.  So why not have an event where women are encouraged to don their wedding day finest just one more time?  And it's not limited to former brides: bridesmaids dresses, mother of the bride gowns, black tie gowns that are gathering dust ... anything goes.  {We fully recognize that for most people, the wedding dress will no longer fit. We have work-arounds for that and will be able to help you fit enough into your gown to wear it and have fun.}

So more details will come but here are the basics:

  • Date: Saturday January 28, 2012
  • Place: Holiday Inn, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania
  • Time: 8-11 pm
  • Open bar from 8-10; cash bar from 10-11
  • Reduced room rates at the recently remodeled Holiday Inn - come with your girls for a night away!
  • Amazing DJ Fred Hart providing the tunes so we can dance the night away
  • Equally amazing Roxanne of Shutterbooth Philadelphia on hand with her photo booth!
  • Price: probably around $40
  • All proceeds benefit a terrific charity near and dear to our hearts (more on that soon)!

We are also hoping to have some options for the gowns at the end of the night: possibly a charity taking them for donations (and tax purposes for you), possibly a bridal salon offering a discount to preserve the gown after the event.  Stay tuned.  But rest assured, on January 28, 2012, come hell or high water, you will see the below two lovely gowns pulled from their preserved box and closet and hit the dance floor once more!  Join us!

We'd love to hear if anyone is game for joining us at the event.  Email us at and let us know.  We'll be blogging about it tons and tons more in the coming months and will open up the ticket sales in the Summer.

See you swoon,


  1. Can't wait! Hope you have some solutions for gowns that are too big :)

  2. Heather, I am sure you will be in the distinct minority!

  3. I would have loved to go to this, we have talked about this forever! Hope you all enjoy, my heart is breaking to miss this good time!
