
12 April 2011

Ruff Ruff....

Oh yes you heard me right.  Kelly and I dog sat over the weekend, and it is always an adventure when you dog sit someone else's dog.  Getting in tune to their routine so they don't have an accident on your brand new Pottery Barn rug is tough but no matter who's animal it is, you are bound to have accidents.

Anyway, we had a blast as usual and somehow negotiated another day of doggy sitting just to get our puppy fill.  This wasn't too hard since the dog belongs to my best friend and she knows how much I love animals!  Speedo didn't mind too much since he grew up with dogs, he just went about his business with an occasional road block that was Sadie (she wanted to lick him mostly).  Macy on the other hand acted like she saw a monster that was trying to eat her so she stayed under the bed most of the time with carefully calculated moves here and there to the litter.

So here is Sadie and some of the things we did (her eyes do not really glow like that but you probably already knew that, and sorry for the hazy pix, the BlackBerry is not the best for taking pictures).  Here she is waking up in the morning:

This is while I read a book in the front sitting room, she was helping me break it in after a long walk:

And a car ride of course!  She loved this, I am pretty sure she is smiling (I was also stopped in case you were wondering):

So the reason for this post you ask?  Well after dog sitting Sadie from time to time we think we ready to start practicing being dog owners more often with her.  We want to get a feel for having a dog and how our schedules will need to adjust to make life with a new critter a happy one.  Kelly and I know we want one some day soon so this is the best way we can think of to see if we are ready for it.  

I wanted to ask all of you what you think about owning a dog?  I grew up with animals all my life but now that I am the one completely responsible for this living being I wanted to get your thoughts on this topic.  Do you love owning a dog?  Any advice?  

Before I go, here are a few breeds that Kelly and I are drawn to and we definitely jumping on the rescue band wagon here.  

German Shepherd:


Mixed Breeds:

I could go on and on!!  I would love to hear from you on this topic, any help from one animal lover to another is much appreciated!

See you swoon,


  1. I second the German Shepherd vote - but then I am biased.

  2. just found your cute blog! my husband and i have a vizsla and he is the sweetest thing. they have a crazy amount of energy though, definitely not a lazy dog. he'll be the best snuggle buddy, but you have to take him for a long, hard run first :) they call them "velcro dogs" because they want to be with you at all times. so sweet. can't wait to see what you decide!!

  3. If Kelly had his way it would be a German Shepherd hands down, I think they are adorable but that hair clean up scares me a little. I used to have a collie, Dixie, she was my baby but man she had some serious hair!

    Hi Whitney! Welcome to Swoon, I am so glad you found us! Vizsla's are absolutely stunning, I am leaning more in this direction right now and will keep in mind how much energy they have, thank you for the tip. I will be sure to keep everyone updated on what we decide. I cannot wait for a new addition to our family!

  4. I have a vizsla too, and he is the best. Super sweet, very cuddly, and great with our two children. Short haired dogs shed just like long haired dogs, but our vizsla's hair blends into the hard wood floors and carpet. They do have a lot of energy, but our 7 year old dog is not nearly as energetic as he used to be.

  5. the hair is a drawback Jaime, but I just love my Max - ask Shanna - she'll tell you I'm a little obsessed

    There are more Max photos on my Facebook page than of those human teenagers who live in my house and eat all of my food.

  6. Just found your blog...and it's super cute!!
    Just thought i'd give you my 2

    I have 2 dogs, a yorkiepoo and a mix breed we rescued from a local shelter. I really love both of my dogs, and they are so extremely opposite of one's crazy. My little guy is attached to me..while the big one likes to go off on his own. This can be a good thing, since i'm always tripping over the littel guy in the kitchen, getting out of the shower, bed, etc etc.

    My big guy is a great dog for kids. you can pull his hears his tail and put your whole entire fist in his mouth, and he wouldn't budge. On the other hand, little man...oh no. DOn't even look at him wrong!!

    All in all, dogs are great companions. I don't have kids, but they really do complete us...and we love them for all the attantion and love they give.

    check out my blog when you have a chance:

  7. Hi again everyone! Thank you all for your advice, it is so nice to know that if Kelly and I do jump into the doggie world that we have so much support and friends that love animals as much as we do!

    CannyCole, cute blog and thanks so much for stopping by! Your puppy pix on your site are adorable. As a side note, I also love jeans and comfy tees so I feel your pain on getting rid of those!

  8. Try adopting a shelter dog, that way, you are saving a dog's life. They always turn out being great companions no matter which one you get. You might even find a German Shephard mix or something there.
