
30 April 2011

Craft Room Link Party at HOUSEography!

Who doesn't love a party?  

Melissa over at HOUSEography is hosting a link party for craft rooms.  There are some seriously swoon-worthy spaces over there.  I even shared my closet-turned-craft room! 

HOUSEography House Tour Link Party

Go over and check it out!  We love Melissa's blog and it's in our "swoon worthy sites" on the side-bar.  Her original house and mine are soooo similar.  She's recently done an absolutely amazing addition which doubled the size of her home - it was even featured on Young House Love!  When I get down in the dumps about not selling our home, I head on over to HOUSEography to look at Melissa's space, since we'd be using her home as inspiration for an addition over here at Chez O'Neal ... in the event we decide to stay put and add on.

In any event, hop on over to HOUSEography!

See you swoon,


  1. Oooh! Just what I need! :) Thanks for the link Shanna!!

  2. Glad you like, Rochelle! She's having a bunch of link parties coming up. I hope to see you over there!
