
15 March 2011

Welcome Baby Mia!

Welcome to the world baby Mia!!  Yesterday my best friend in the whole world, Julia,  gave birth to this little bundle of joy after 38 long hours of labor.  Julia was amazing, and after all her hard work, here is her new baby girl!  I could not help myself, I am so filled with love that I had to share Mia with all of you.

I guess I could put her in the category of swoon-worthy because I could not take my eyes off of her.  I snapped about 50 pictures or so and that was just her first day in the world, thank god cameras that required film are a thing of the past or I would be in serious trouble. 

Here are a couple more to ooh and ahh over.  The proud dad and new big sister, she has been asking for a baby sister for a very long time so she is practically bursting at the seems!

I thought this picture was so funny, I happened to catch almost everyone (including myself) taking pictures with phones and cameras.  What an awesome thing to be loved by so many people on the very first day you meet them.

How can you not love a baby mohawk!

I am completely in love, I am sure a lot of you know this feeling!  Let's have fun with baby pictures, whether they are of you or a new little baby in your life, send them in so we can swoon over all the sweet memories and precious moments.

See you swoon,


  1. AW! Congratulations to Julia and family and welcome baby Mia! 38 hours of labor - oh my word. I hope they are all resting comfortably today.

  2. What a sweetie! One of my bff's is having a baby in September and I can hardly wait :)

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