
04 March 2011

Reader Request: Rita's Dining Room {part 2}

Happy Friday!  It's especially happy for me because tomorrow is the day that I paint my mother-in-law Rita's dining room, and Jamie is going to do it too.  Painting is fun; painting with Jamie is super fun.  On Wednesday I posted about our plans for the space.  And as of today, we are half way there: all that is left is painting and accessorizing.  Yay! 

We got a lot done in two days!  It took Rita and I about 2 hours to steam off all the wallpaper and border.  It was so super simple, if pretty messy.  As soon as the wallpaper came down, I was itching to paint, so I tackled the trim.  Rita's trim was a light taupey gray, and we decided to paint over it with my favorite creamy white: Dover White by Sherwin Williams.  I assumed two coats would do it: wrong!  It took three coats of paint to cover that taupe.  The end result was worth it for sure.  

Here's the before and current shots of the dining room.  You can see we removed the valence, all the paper and painted the trim.

current: no valence!
sorry for the dark shot


note the test squares on the wall!
Looking good, isn't it?  I'll also share the mirror I found at Home Goods that cost just $25.  I wanted to add a beautiful chunky mirror to the space, and this one seemed just perfect.  I loved that the frame is wood because it will be so easy to paint over.  I'm pretty sure I'll do the same Dover White on the frame as on the trim.  Here it is now:

Stay tuned for more details on how this room is coming along!  I'll be sure to post a picture of the room painted and then eventually when we decorate.  Until then, happy weekend!  Do you have any weekend projects on the agenda? Please share!

See you swoon,


  1. It looks great so far! I love the color, and I'm really glad you were able to find a mirror you like.

  2. I cannot wait to paint tomorrow! Coffe, painting and some much needed SIL time! Now I need to go find this mirror for my bedroom :)

  3. And that was supposed to be the word coffee but I am sure you figured that one out.
