
Let There Be Two Lights

As part of my mother-in-law Rita's dining room redecoration process, I wanted to bring in some lamps for one of her buffets.  I love the look of two lamps on a buffet: it just looks so finished and so good, especially in a traditional space like hers.

Lamps can add up, even at a place like Target, so I scoured Craigslist.  And wouldn't you know it, I found a listing near me for two lamps for just $10!  Total!  They had the lines I wanted and even came with two shades.  They were black, but that did not stop me.  Here they are:

I got out some white spray paint that I had on hand and sprayed them a lovely glossy white. Ahhhhhhh.  Much better, no? 

The last part of the transformation was the shades.  They were fine and in good shape but a little blah.  I tried really hard to make them work, but the shape made it difficult (read: impossible) to neatly add grosgrain ribbon trim to the base of the shade, and covering in fabric didn't seem to fit either.  So I picked up two new shades from Lowes for just $15 each.  They were lined and a lovely bell shape, which fit the look and feel of the dining room much better.  $40 for two gorgeous buffet lamps isn't that bad (sorry for the poor quality in the next two pictures: I snapped with my iPhone).

And now here they are on their new home in the dining room!  What do you think of the transformation? I couldn't be happier.  Have you done something similar?  Let us know! We'd love to talk lamp today.  I love lamp [name the movie].

PS:  Want to post a comment but are having trouble doing so? Click here to find out how. 

See you swoon,


  1. They look great! I love the new shades. I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out what movie that line is from.

  2. Thanks! I tried so hard to make those other shades work, but they were too "living room-y" and I needed them to be more formal "dining room-y"

    Movie = Anchorman!

  3. Amazing what a little paint can do!

    And thanks for stopping by Odi et Amo....I was a Classical Civilization major and then did the JD thing! Always love meeting a fellow Classicist!

  4. Thanks, Averill! I'm so excited to see you on our blog: we are big fans of Odi et Amo.

  5. What would we do without Craigs List? I love that something as simple as a coat of paint can make such a big difference!

  6. Kendall,

    I agree! Craigslist is the best and my go-to place for "new to me" things for my home!
