
24 February 2011

February Closet Challenge {Week 4}: The Garage

Whoa nelly.  I didn't really anticipate organizing the garage in February.  But I swore I'd keep to my challenge, and I did not want to let down the entire Internet.  I ran out of closet space in my house, so I moved onto the garage.  Now, granted, I am planning to paint the garage walls and floor in the Spring, so my organizational efforts are pretty temporary. But, as you can see, the garage was getting a little insane.

All it took was about 30 minutes and my garage became much more orderly.  First step was to clear out the middle.  I pushed the cabinet I bought from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore against the far wall of the garage, which instantly made more space available.

I have a *ton* of plastic storage bins, which I used to have in my craft room, but now have no home.  I'm holding onto them for now: I am sure one day we will move and I will need them for a garage or storage closet.  And I figure they can double as packing boxes when that time comes.  It's also kind of Stroller City in there, and I'll need to sell my double jogger eventually.  But for now, it needs to stay. 

I tackled my workbench area and cleared it off.  Then I used some peg board hooks left over from my craft room overhaul and hung my paint brushes, rollers, tools and saws up on the pegs.  Nice!

The last step was to sweep the floor and snap the lovely after picture!  Not bad.  Now when I open the garage, I don't cringe.  Success.

So, another month of organizational challenges is in the books!   Next month is all about my friends and family ...  I'm going to focus on my mother-in-law's dining room make-over and several reader submissions.  Lots and lots of before and afters.  I am so excited! Let me know if you have a before & after you'd like to submit! 

See you swoon,

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