
13 January 2011

Before & After: Colleen's Haddonfield Home

You all know about my undying adoration for paint.  Today, it grows stronger.  My friend Colleen (whose wedding we are featuring next week!) recently bought a gorgeous home in Haddonfield, New Jersey.  It is on the *perfect* street, in the *perfect* town.  Really - it's white-picket fence central and is a great place to live.  She and her husband fell in love with the house and were able to see past some decor flaws to its true potential.  First up: the exterior.

I think a lot of people shy away from exterior re-dos because it seems so daunting.  I have to say, Colleen nailed it.  What was once a nice house is now a complete stunner ... and it was all done with just changing the paint colors!  Take a peek and prepare to swoon.



Isn't it amazing? Doesn't it make you want to grab your paintbrush and paint something ... anything?  A big thank you to Colleen for sharing her beautiful home with us today!  What's your favorite part? I am a sucker for a glossy red front door, so that is atop my list.

See you swoon,


  1. It really is amazing that we fell in love with this house and saw the potential when it had those tired colors. We walked in and just knew it was our future home. I remember sending the pics out to friends and no one seemed really excited about it and I was just bursting! I guess I always had the after pic in my mind's eye :)

  2. Yay Colleen! It is an amazing home! Funny how with buying a home, so much of it is based on that gut feeling of it being "The One". I can't wait to show more before and afters of your lovely abode soon!

  3. Love it! Do we get to see the inside soon?
