
17 December 2010

Sherwin Williams, We Love You

Last night Shanna and I had a much needed "Swoon" night which always involves take out food and of course our favorite, wine!  We sit and chat about our dreams for Swoon and pine over her most amazing fan deck that was given to her by Sherwin Williams, for free.  Oh yes, they know her so well they just gave it to her!

As we sipped our wine, we discussed colors for my house since she is coming over to paint this weekend (we are so, so excited about this).  I had planned to do Sherwin William Rice Grain in the front room, however, here was the dilemma with that.  If I do the front room in rice grain then what would I do in the dining room and kitchen which are sort of attached and can be considered one room.  I need a neutral color in one space but also feel the need to have color somewhere in my house and it will not be in my furniture, I can tell you that right now (accessories is where all the color will come out in case you were wondering).

So this is what we decided and it is a huge coincidence that both names start with the word rice but these colors look perfect together and add just enough color.  You bet some before and afters are on there way to you very soon.

So I found this picture with a wall that has the rice paddy for the front room and I am totally in love! Even though those are not bamboo blinds they have a similar feel as the shades I want so now I am confident they will look great in my house!

miscellaneous - Sherwin Williams - Rice Paddy Flickr Find

Here is the rice grain that will go in the dining room and kitchen, this kitchen is from the Lettered Cottage:

What are some of your favorite colors in your house?

See you swoon,


  1. This color did not look the same at all! It was pretty insane and very bright yellowish which was dissapointing but the rice grain turned out to be very nice in both rooms, just in time for Christmas thank goodness!
