The hard part at this point in time is trying to figure out which project to start first and trying to stay focused on one thing at a time. I could start rambling and probably talk for days if I tried to explain all of the things I want to do, so instead like I mentioned earlier this week, I will take you on this journey from room to room to show you each project I do before and after.
This weekend I will be painting with one of my favorite people in the entire world, and I will be sure to show you the colors before and after. I am heartbroken that the previous owner painted all of the beautiful crown molding and woodwork the same color as the walls so that will be the first to go. Next we will be choosing colors to brighten the room and accessories to make the room feel welcoming and morel like home. I am so excited to have the chance to do this with a space of my own and give you all a peak into my home style!
If anyone has advice along the way I would be happy to hear it, stay tuned next week with the before and after pictures and let me know what you think.
See you swoon,

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