
15 October 2010

Swoon-Worthy Finds: Sherwin Williams Paints

I.  Love.  To.  Paint.

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not kidding and I'm not exaggerating  Truly, I love to paint.  I love the instant gratification of taking a room from deep red to pale taupe, or from turning a ho-hum piece of furniture into a gorgeous glossy white.  I also find it therapeutic and calming - I find it relaxing and (dare I say it?) fun.  It is especially fun if you paint with a friend - uninterrupted chat and gossip makes the time go even faster.

Being a paint connoisseur, I am brand loyal to Sherwin Williams paints.  Yes, it is more expensive than a gallon from one of the big box stores, but the quality is so much better.  You use less paint and it goes on easier, so one gallon goes a lot further.  Plus, the time value is worth a lot.  Sherwin Williams paints cover beautifully - usually in one or two coats.  What's better than that?

I spend more time than I care to admit flipping through my fan deck of Sherwin Williams colors (only about $10 at the store, but my man Warren at my local SW store gave me mine for free because I am there all.the.time).   Here are a few of my favorite shades, most of which I have in my home.

Oyster Bay 
Rarefied Air

Rice Grain

Sea Salt
Where do you fall on the great paint divide: love it or loathe it?
{note: Sherwin Williams has not paid or otherwise comped us for this post}

See you swoon,


  1. I don't really love to paint, but I do love the end result! When does SW have their 30% off sales?

  2. Hi Heather!
    Sherwin Williams usually has its big sales around holiday weekends - you actually just missed one last weekend for Columbus Day. The next will probably be around Thanksgiving. But, here's a tip: the next time you're at the Sherwin Williams store, ask to create an account in their system. You will always get whatever discount the store is running any time you go in. Happy painting!
