1. Reuse: I try to reuse everything before throwing it in the trash. Envelopes from junk mail? They work fine as scrap paper for grocery lists. Plastic containers that aren't recyclable? They make perfect containers to hold paint for small jobs. A calendar picture that you really love? Frame it and turn it into art ... like I did here above my sofa.
2. Choose Glass Over Plastic: I used to use Tupperware a lot. I still have some, but I am slowly replacing it with glass. First, it eliminates a step: I used to cook food, put in plastic, put in the fridge, then when it was time to reheat, put the food in a glass bowl and then reheat. This saves me time. Second, and more importantly, I've read some alarming things about plastic and what happens when it breaks down. Obviously, I encourage everyone to read up on the issue and come to your own conclusions. But for me, I'm making an effort to use more glass food storage containers.
3. Paint with Low or No-VOC paints: I love to paint. Love love love. It relaxes me and gives instant gratification: after a few hours, your room goes from yellow to blue. How easy (and fun) is that?!? I also love Sherwin Williams paints - they are my go-to brand because they're durable and go on so beautifully. Sherwin Williams, like several other manufacturers, has a no-VOC paint called Harmony. Harmony has very little odor and zero VOCs (volatile organic compounds, which aren't so great to breathe) and yet still covers just as well as any other Sherwin Williams paint. Love it.
4. Buy Local: Now is a great time to buy local produce. Seek out what's in season and what is available from local farms. Relying on local crops and farmers means less you're requiring less transportation and packaging of produce, which is so much better for the environment. I have to say, one of my favorite things about summer is stopping by the local produce stand near my parents' house in South Jersey: fresh Jersey tomatoes, corn, peppers, zucchini ... it doesn't get any better than that.
5. Baking Soda: Baking soda, like vinegar, has so many uses in your home. It's a great abrasive for scrubbing sinks: I use a sprinkle of baking soda once a week or so to make my stainless steel sink shine. It is also terrific for getting stains out of things: it takes red crayon off of white counters and white MacBooks. Mix a little of it with some cleanser and you have a super gentle and effective exfoliating scrub. Sprinkle on the floor before you vacuum to help with any odors. This is just the tip of the iceberg: check out a few more posts on the topic here and here.
There you have it. Five more super simple ways to be a little greener. Do you have any simple suggestions for incorporating a little more green to your life? Share!
See you swoon,

I heartily second going local for produce! And baking soda rocks. I buy it in huge bags!