
07 July 2010

Bridesmaid Gift Ideas

Believe it or not, finding the perfect bridesmaid gift is VERY hard. This hunt can continue for months and I know, at least in my experience, it was very difficult to find something I loved, that was budget friendly, and showed the girls how much I loved them and appreciated their support. When it comes down to it, these gifts should be thoughtful but also something that someone can use again and will bring the memory of the event to them every time they see their gift or go to use it.

I have some really great ideas here that are fun and personal.  These gifts can be used over and over again and the best part is that I stumbled upon a fun new jewelry site with the cutest personalized necklaces, I may just have to buy one for remember this post of course!!  Check these out and fill me in on some of the gifts you have received.  If you have any gift ideas to add I would love to hear them!

{Clockwise from the top:,,,}

See you swoon,