
05 May 2010

About Shanna

It is hard to write this post about myself. It is like a diary-job interview-autobiography all in one.  Fun.

My name is Shanna, and I live in the Philadelphia suburbs (on the Pennsylvania side).  I have two children (a son and a daughter). I was a Latin major in college and did a dual minor in Politics & Philosophy.  I am a runner and a triathlete.  I have my sights set on a sub 4-hour marathon as well as a half-Ironman in 2013 and maybe, if I truly lose my mind, a full Ironman in 2014.  I love writing, nesting, organizing, scoring a bargain, and buying and wearing absolutely stunning shoes.  My PRs for my races (personal records) are:

  • 5K: 25:39 (UMLY New Years Eve 5K, Dec. 2012)
  • 5 mile: 40:50 (Frostbite Five Miler, Feb. 2013)
  • 1/2 marathon:  1:51:34 (Rock n' Roll USA Half Marathon, Mar. 2013)
  • marathon:  4:00:00 (Philadelphia Marathon, Nov. 2012)
I am a local girl - I was born and raised in South Jersey. And when I say “South Jersey” I mean it: Bridgeton in Cumberland County.  Most people think that Trenton is South Jersey. This is not true.  My high school was literally in the middle of a corn field.  As with everything, a lot has changed in Bridgeton, but a lot has stayed the same, including two of my favorite places like Weber’s Candy and Terrigno’s Bakery.  Please take note that my favorite places sell candies and cakes.

I went to college at Catholic University in Washington, DC.  I chose a college in DC because I thought I wanted to go into politics.  After spending two semesters working as an intern in Congress, I changed my mind.  While in college, I spent a semester studying abroad in Rome, and this experience profoundly changed my life.  It was that time in Rome that I became obsessed with all things style and beauty.  It is almost impossible to live in Rome and not have this happen.  I showed up looking like a typical American college coed in Birkinstocks and overalls (well, it was typical in 1996), and I left Rome wearing amazing Italian footwear and designers.  It took years to pay off my shopping bills from my time in Rome, but I blame that in part on my terrible math skills: converting lire to dollars was very difficult.  One day, when I have saved my pennies, I will return to Rome to live for an extended period of time.  It is a magical city, and I would go back every year if I could. Parlo italiano un’ po.

Things I like:  strong black coffee; Target, ice cream; the days my magazines arrive in my mailbox (and since I love magazines and have subscriptions to about 10, this seems to happen a lot); lilies of the valley; Bon Jovi (come on ... I am from South Jersey); opera and especially my dear friend soprano Ava Pine; the words “serendipity” and “notwithstanding;” the smell of office supplies (especially tape, magic markers, pencils and the iconic Trapper Keeper); using parentheses (which is probably pretty obvious); watching old Sex and the City episodes (any will do ... but seasons 3,4 and 6 are my faves); receiving any kind of mail, either “real” or e-mail -- Jamie once said that receiving email in your inbox is like receiving a little present, and I think that is just about right!

Things I dislike:  white chocolate (I once asked for, and then received, an entire Easter basket of white chocolate: awful); the incorrect overuse of the apostrophe; really hot weather; mascots who try to hug you; the phrase "just sayin'"; the song “Brick House;” sorbet; green tea (I know I should like it, but I can’t); when you think you’re grabbing a chocolate chip cookie, but it is actually oatmeal raisin; and last but certainly not least: clowns.

See you swoon,

{photo by Eric Mencher Photography}

1 comment:

  1. Shanna and Jaime:

    Great job on the website and blog! Its looks great! We are all proud of you for all of the hard work you two have done in putting this and the new business together.

    Lots of love and luck,
